Make in India: Explained

What is Make in India ? - Knowledge Expert Make in India is a initiative of Indian Government devised to transform India into Global Manufacturing and design Hub. This Initiative was Launched in 25th September, 2014 by the Prime Minister 'Narendra Modi', is one of the many nation-building steps. It was a response for a critical situation in the country. In 2013, the bubble of emerging Markets burst and India's growth rate fallen to lowest level ever of that decade. Citizens started questioning about the the situation. India was facing a severe economic failure. After the launch of this initiative It was a Powerful call to action to leaders and the citizen of India. But Make in India is not just a famous slogan, It is much more than that. to Start a movement you need a strategy that inspires and enableequal and uniform measures. this programme also needed to enhance confidence in India's Potential not only a typical statistics. It p...